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It's Time for Your Online Course

Online courses are taking off as more and more people look to self-educate online. It's time to take advantage of this growing market by converting your curriculum into a beautifully produced online video course.

Broadcast Video Camera

Professionally Created

Stunning visuals and professional editing and graphics give your course the professional look and feel that takes your course to the next level. Amateur hour is over; it's time to show them who you are - the expert.

Post Production in Process

Tailored to You

One course doesn't' fit all. Using elements like interactive modules, student communities, office hours, course downloads, and completion certificates, we custom build your course to fit your vision.


Made to Sell

99% of courses don't sell a single seat. At OnCourse, we partner with our clients to ensure we are making courses that sell, and sell well. This means that we only work with educators we believe in.

Pat Flynn, Author of Will It Fly?

"The book, the ebook, and the audio book made a little over $200k. By adding a course on top of that, I was able to make an additional $200k+ dollars."

Teach, Relax, Earn

Your work is already done. You've done the grueling research, made your mistakes, learned from them, and have finally authored your finished curriculum. You publish your book, e-book, audio book, podcast, YouTube content, etc. and close up shop.


But that's just the beginning. Many educators are not aware of their highest potential earning platform - an online course.


Online courses take a lot of time and talent to shoot, edit, and build. Here's where OnCourse comes in. 


We work with educators to formulate their course outline and shoot the content, and while we're hard at work for you in post-production, you're out making the world a smarter place.


Once we're done building your course, all that's left is your approval and voilà - another income stream is born.

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